Do I need a Pension Review?

If you cannot answer a few simple questions you should consider getting your pension reviewed.

  • Have you had your pension reviewed by a financial advisor in the last 12 months?
  • What are the charges within your pension?
  • Are the charges and fees competitive?
  • How is your pension performing against the benchmark?
  • What investments are within your pension?

What is a Pension Review?

A Pension Review is part of retirement planning, where a pension is examined to determine how well it is performing. The Financial Conduct Authority has a register of registered companies. It is advisable to verify any company before having your pension reviewed. Palantir Financial Planning Ltd is found on the FCA register.

Palantir financial Planning Ltd can undertake a review of all your pensions which would include gathering information from your scheme providers, undertaking a full investigation into the costs, performance and the funding position of the scheme. After an in-depth thematic review we will highlight areas of improvements and make recommendations.

If you would prefer to speak with a registered advisor instead of completing the form please call 0208 464 9012

Complete the form below to discuss your Pension Review

  • Free no obligation initial consultation
  • Complete this form to speak with an advisor
  • Deal directly with a Qualified Financial Planner
  • No details passed to a third party

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    What is the process?

    Call: Speak with a registered advisor or complete the simple form and we call you back

    Assessment: What is your current pension agreement and how is it performing? What are your goals and aspirations for your pension?

    Evaluation: Can your pension and retirement planning be improved taking into account your personal circumstances?

    Recommendation: We can advise on your specific pension policy and make possible alternative recommendations if required

    The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

    Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.

    Please note that whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information contained within this explanation is correct, these notes are by necessity brief and of a generalised nature. We would provide specific personalised advice prior to finalising any arrangement.

    We offer a free no obligation initial consultation in which you can have an open and honest conversation with an FCA Registered company to determine if we can assist with your future financial plans.

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